Every year, between the last week of July and the first week of August, Gata de Gorgos dresses up for its patron saint festivities in honor of the Santísimo Cristo del Calvario. During these days, the town will be filled with joy, people, festival music and concerts, lunches and dinners with friends, festivities and some religious events.

The festivities begin by going down to the Holy Christ, who spends the whole year in the Hermitage of Calvario and on the first day of the festivities is carried on the shoulders to the Church of the town to spend the festivities there.

The first night of festivities there will be a festival to introduce the Quintos and Quintes of that year (18 years old) along with the Quintets and Quintetes (10 years old). Then there will be a musical performance that will liven up the first night of parties.

In the following days you can enjoy the bulls on the street, the night of correfoc, popular dinners in all the streets, activities for children, floats with the funniest costumes and live concerts.

The festivities always end on August 6, when the Holy Christ returns to the Hermitage on his shoulders again in a solemn procession accompanied by the Gata music band.

At the end we can enjoy a fireworks display that will mark the end of the festivities until next year.

Here we leave you this year’s party program so you don’t miss anything!