September arrives and with it the time to blanch the grapes to turn them into raisins and to tread the grapes to turn them into wine, a tradition that has become the perfect excuse to get together with family and friends and ensure fun. Don’t you know this tradition? We tell you how to live in Gata.

This centuries-old tradition, which has passed through different generations, has a whole process that is still carried out today to maintain the spirit of the “escaldà” of yesteryear, although it is no longer practiced as much as before.

The first step is the collection of the muscat grape, a very traditional, popular and typical grape in Gata that, in addition to being used in the “escaldà”, is eaten directly accompanying a good piece of bread, some typical cocas or any other food, thanks to its aroma and sweet taste.

You have to prepare the iron boilers and heat the water until it is boiling to put the grapes. When we remove the grape, it is usually placed in the hurdles, which are a set of canes placed in parallel and used for drying the grapes. The hurdles, already with the grape, are placed in the sun throughout the day and thanks to the heat of the sun it will dry until it becomes a raisin.

This process will take between 12 and 15 days to obtain the raisins, but it is also important to keep them protected from rain and humidity, which is why in Gata, as in many other towns in the Marina Alta, there are “riuraus”.

The “riuraus” are typical rural constructions that are normally located outside country houses. These constructions are made of stone and have a roof whose function is to protect the grapes from rain and humidity so that they do not rot.



As you can see, the “escaldà” is quite a ritual, in which you can get together with family and friends, spend a day in nature and the country house, and have lunch and dinner all together. In short, a whole tradition that takes place every year and is most interesting and entertaining.

To finish, we present you the mistela, a typical liqueur from Gata de Gorgos, since it is made with the muscatel grape that we have mentioned before and that is so present in our fields around the town. This liqueur has a characteristic sweet flavor and a distinguished aroma that make it a perfect liqueur to enjoy after lunch and dinner, along with coffee, which is when it is traditionally drunk.

You can order the mistela at any of the town’s bars and restaurants. If you want to take a bottle home with you, you can also buy it at Celler de la Marina, one of the local wineries where you will find traditional local products such as oils, wines, jams … and many more things.

Without a doubt, coming to know the tradition of the “escaldà” as well as all the products that the town offers you, is one of the great reasons to visit Gata de Gorgos.