One of the festivals that Valencians like the most is here: Easter!

And in Gata, these days have always been a favourite by its people as well. In Easter, the terraces are filled with friends, the bakeries smell like “monas”, the Plaza de España is filled with tourists in search of wicker baskets and local handicrafts, the artisan ice cream shop opens after winter and the parks are filled with children and girls playing and enjoying their vacations.

What is the plan for these Easter in Gata?


1. Walk through the old town until you reach the Gorgos River.

Gata is a beautiful town and if you visit us, you cannot miss walking through its streets. You will always find people chatting, sitting on a terrace or boys and girls playing in the park. The church is in the center and also the river, which runs through the center and which bears the name of the town. This one tends to go without water most of the year but if it rains a lot once in Winter, it goes down it’s a show for everyone!

If you keep walking, you can go down and walk by his side. You will find beautiful walks surrounded by nature and easily accessible for the whole family.

2. Buy an Easter cake or “Pà Socarrat”

Bakeries have been preparing them for days and you better go early because you might run out of yours!

This delight is a sweet bread that is covered in sugar. Its ingredients are flour, eggs, sugar, milk and yeast and the preparation requires a lot of care and patience. The result is a bread that you can eat both with a few ounces of chocolate and dunked in coffee, milk or whatever you like best.




3. Lunch or dinner in a bar or restaurant.

In Gata, if there is anything, it is bars and restaurants. For lunch (or dinner) you will find a thousand and one options, you can eat trying the typical tapas accompanied by a few beers, ask for arroz a banda or a Valencian paella or if you prefer, meat or fish.


Church’s Square


4. For dessert, a handmade ice cream.

La Tramussera is a hundred-year-old ice cream shop known throughout La Marina. The beginnings of this artisan ice cream shop date back to the 1920s. Every year, on Palm Sunday it opens again to the joy of the whole town. Its specialty is “Water-lemon” and its artisan ice creams, made with ancestral recipes and whose secret no one knows.


5. Take home a wicker basket or carrycot typical of the area.

When you arrive at the Plaza de España, you will immediately understand why Gata is so well known. Its wicker shops keep this village tradition alive to this day and continue to attract thousands of visitors each year. In them you will find bags, rugs, lamps, furniture and all kinds of decoration for your home, mostly made with wicker or esparto grass, so you will surely end up snacking on something!

6. Buy a hat.

To end the day, what better than to take home one of the most traditional items in town? Gata is the cradle of local crafts and, along with the manufacture of baskets and wicker baskets, the hat factories are another emblem of our town.

It has numerous factories that today export to the whole world. Some of them have a physical store so you cannot miss visiting one and getting the fashion accessory.


What do you think of the plan? See you in Gata this Easter?