La Cosa Nostra Pizzeria

La Cosa Nostra Pizzeria

In Gata we have fantastic restaurants that, based on effort and work, make that when you try them you always want to repeat. This is the case of La Cosa Nostra Pizzeria, a restaurant that reinvents itself every day to offer culinary novelties to all who visit it....
In Gata, #ATypicalThing is to eat ice-cream in La Tramussera

In Gata, #ATypicalThing is to eat ice-cream in La Tramussera

In Gata, #LoTípic is going to Tramussera, an ice-cream shop, where tradition and flavor are fused in such a way that they are at the heart of the town. If you come one day to Gata, you can not miss the opportunity to refresh yourself our way. Ice-cream shop was born...
In Gata, #ATipycalThing is the Brunch

In Gata, #ATipycalThing is the Brunch

There are few things that are more typical than lunch time. In Gata we like to eat well at any time of the day and lunch time was not going to be less. It is not always a matter of eating a lot, sometimes we simply settle for a coffee with milk or toast, but that...
In Gata, a typical thing is the Sobrasada

In Gata, a typical thing is the Sobrasada

If there is something Gata has, it is tradition and you will see that in every shop in town, where most have passed from generation to generation, and with it, their way of making many typical products such as sobrasada. ORIGIN OF THE SOBRASADA Sausages in general...


INSTANT-TOWN MOVEMENT GATA Gata presents a fresh and light way to live 1 day of your vacation, because sometimes a few moments are enough for a total disconnection. Come one day to Gata. Buy. Eat. Take a picture. And continue your way. What do you think about the...