Gata has many green corners where you can go for a walk and soak up nature. One of them is the Paraje de La Rana. Today we tell you a little more about him.

The area of ​​La Rana used to be used in Muslim times as an irrigation system for all the orchards in the area. This system included two wells, a windmill, the fountain and the washer. The latter already existed in Moorish times and five of its arcades are still preserved. Here the women gathered to wash their clothes.
How to get to him?

This route is  very popular among hikers and cyclists who want to take a walk among orchards and orange trees but without going too far from Gata.
You can start the route from the Carretera de Jávea, entering the rural road that you will find signposted. A few meters away you will see the beautiful Montgó in the background. You will have to continue until you reach the road that you have to cross very carefully. It is indicated at all times so it will be difficult to get lost. During the route you will find orchards, neighbors of the area taking walks, rural houses, orange trees, olive trees… that will make the walk recharge your batteries.

Soon you will arrive at La Rana. There, you can sit under its hundred-year-old eucalyptus tree, more than 30 meters high. This majestic tree has reigned in these places since 1915. In August 2020, a fire completely devastated it, but after a few weeks it began to regrow again and today it looks perfect again.
This will be the perfect place to sit outdoors, under the shade, admiring this hundred-year-old tree while you rest from your walk. You will continue to have the Montgó in the background, so the views could not be more ideal.

And after breathing a little fresh air, you just have to go along the road until you return to the starting point. You will have walked among trees and vegetation disconnecting from the bustle of the town or the city, admiring another little piece of the Marina Alta.

If you like walks and the mountains, you cannot miss this other route to La Font de La Mata, also well known in the Gata de Gorgos area.